The Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) have issued $14 million to assist homeless veterans in securing permanent housing. Over 60 public housing agencies across the U.S. received funding for vouchers, known as HUD-Veterans Affairs Support Housing (HUD-VASH vouchers).
“HUD is committed to ending veteran homelessness once and for all,” HUD Secretary Marcia Fudge said. “These HUD-VASH voucher awards help us to reach that goal. We will continue to work with our local Veterans Affairs Medical Center partners at public housing agencies across the country so we can get veterans and their families off the streets and into affordable housing.”
This program aids HUD’s and VA’s mission to end homeless, the agencies said, by assisting veterans and their families access permanent and sustainable housing, with access to high-quality health care and supportive services. The HUD-VASH program provides housing and an array of supportive services to veterans experiencing homelessness by combining HUD’s housing assistance with VA’s case management and clinical services.
“As President [Joe] Biden reminds us, our one truly sacred obligation is to the men and women of the United States Military Services,” HUD Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary Richard Monocchio said. “The continued success of the HUD-VASH program stands as testament to our collective devotion to caring for veterans and their families when they return home. At HUD we are committed to continuing to strengthen the HUD-VASH program to serve as many veterans as possible.”
Since early 2020, the number experiencing homelessness has fallen by 11 percent – the most significant decline in more than five years. Over 110,000 HUD-VASH vouchers are being administered by over 700 public housing authorities, with over 81,000 of those vouchers actively under lease by HUD-VASH veterans. Many additional veterans have been issued vouchers and are currently searching for housing to lease.
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